Draw Something¶
- template <typename GRAPHICS, typename ACTUAL>
¶ A drawable is an almost ready to draw 3D entity you load from a file, holding the required surface data you need to provide your rendering pipeline.
Why almost?
In GDT, a drawable object contains the 3D vertices information of a model, without any material properties or texture map data. These attributes are stored in gdt::material objects or being set directly using gdt::pipeline instances.
Another part missing from gdt::drawable objects in the specific instance information about the position, rotation and scale of the model in the 3D world containing it. This information is being stored in the gdt::instance or gdt::instances template that can contain drawables or other type of GDT assets.
Here’s how you can subclass gdt::drawable to create your own assets:
class zombie : public my_app::asset<zombie>, public my_app::drawable<zombie> { public: moon(const my_app::context& ctx): my_app::drawable<zombie>(ctx, "res/zombie.smd") {} };
And here’s how you could instantiate a drawable in your scene class:
gdt::instance<zombie> _zombie; gdt::instances<zombie, 1000> _army_of_zombies;
Now, if you want direct control over your drawable instances, you can use gdt::driven together with a gdt::direct_driver or other drivers to help you manipulate your instances transformations:
gdt::driven<gdt::instance<zombie>, gdt::direct_driver> _movable_zombie;
Inherits from gdt::is_drawable< ACTUAL >
Public Functions
(const graphics_context<GRAPHICS> &ctx, std::string filename, std::function<std::unique_ptr<model>(const char *filename)> loader = read_smd)¶ Construct a drawable from the provided SMD model filename.
- Parameters
: a graphics_context compatible context objectfilename
: full path to a valid SMD modelloader
: file loader - SMD file loader by default
- template <typename GRAPHICS>
¶ GDT standard material for gdt::drawable objects.
Public Functions
(const graphics_context<GRAPHICS> &ctx, const typename GRAPHICS::texture *d, const typename GRAPHICS::texture *n, const typename GRAPHICS::texture *s)¶ Constructs a new material using diffuse, normal and specular texture maps.
- template <typename GRAPHICS>
¶ The forward rendering pipeline supports standard forward rendering and supports a single directional light. Here’s how a gdt::scene render method could look like using this pipeline:
void render(const my_app::context& ctx) override { my_app::render_pass(ctx) .target(my_app::graphics::screen_buffer) .clear({0, 0, 0, 1}); _pipeline.use(ctx) .set_material(_zombie.get_drawable().get_material()) .set_camera(_camera) .draw(_moon); }
Inherits from gdt::pipeline< GRAPHICS, forward_pipeline< GRAPHICS > >